From an early age I envisioned myself living a life of purpose and passion, driving cultural shifts that would inspire humans to awaken to what’s truly important in life, and treat each other and all life on earth with more kindness.
My career in mainstream mental health spanned 12 years, including completing my doctorate degree in clinical psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in 2015. Through this work it became clear to me that humanity is living with an epidemic of unhealed past pain and trauma, as well as a pervading sense of disconnection from nature and the rest of creation - and this lies at the root of the most common mental health issues we see: anxiety disorders, depression, addiction, and abusive behavior.

I began my journey of psychedelic/spiritual healing in 2014, diving in to fully heal deeper layers of childhood trauma, and release outdated ego patterning and long-carried pain that hindered me from powerfully moving forward in life. These inner changes were reflected in my outer world - I stopped getting in my own way, and took steps to shape the life of my dreams. Wanting to share this profound gift with others, psychedelic healing became my life’s work.
The awareness that psychedelic healing within the container of shamanic ceremony has been practiced for (at least) the past ten thousand years inspired me to devote myself to these ancestral traditions. I have had the immense privilege of training with various shamans and enlightened masters since 2014, including Christina Pratt, Matt Kahn, and Guru Singh.
My most impactful teachers on this path have been the visionary plant medicines themselves. I have participated in countless ceremonies, and my integration work and personal evolution continues daily through yoga and meditation, breathwork and prayer, creativity and time spent in nature. I dedicate each morning to tending to my well-being, to cultivate the pureness and alignment that allows for my higher self to guide me in service of all life.

I work as an integrative healer, meaning I explore the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life with clients, seeking to bring more balance within and between these domains. I creatively synthesize different modalities and perspectives, weaving together nutrition and physical wellness, mental mastery, expanding capacity to be with difficult emotions, spiritual awakening through altered states, and other fundamental aspects of being human such as sexual expression, creativity, and connection with nature.
I have a heart for the people - throughout my career, I have made a special effort to extend my services to those who are most oppressed and marginalized in society. I have witnessed psychedelics greatly help to lift the burden of historical and ancestral trauma, bringing about self-acceptance, empowerment, and inner peace. I stay connected with social justice and environmental initiatives, believing that individual, cultural, and ecological healing are intertwined.
I see the potential in every person, and inspire them to see it in themselves - to feel hopeful for a better future, and energized to take incremental steps to get there through a process of welcoming in all parts of the self. It brings me great fulfillment to support others in embodying their highest expression of self.